Welcome to Sustainable Zanzibar

A partnership of eco-friendly hotels on the Spice Island!

A Partnership of Eco-Friendly Hotels

Our hotels are committed to promoting sustainable tourism and preserving the natural beauty of Zanzibar. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and provide our guests with unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Ensuring an Eco-Friendly Experience for Guests.

All Sustainable Zanzibar hotels have implemented the Zanrec total waste management solution, minimizing their ecological footprint. By booking through our portal, guests, therefore, are assured that they support a sustainable and eco-friendly operation. 

Catering to the Growing Demand for Sustainable Tourism.

Members of our partnership are showcased to a global audience of eco-conscious travelers through our exclusive booking portal. Highlighting the unique features and eco-friendly practices of your property provides a distinct competitive edge towards the fast-growing number of eco-conscious travelers.

Are You A Travel Agent Looking To Sign Up?

Register now and get great rates on sustainable properties in Zanzibar.

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